Letter from Recruitment Chair


To the women participating in recruitment,

Your recruitment experience is entirely what you make of it, and the best preparation you can possibly do for yourself if none at all. There is truly no right or wrong way to do it – which is the best part! For me, I had no idea what to expect when going through sorority recruitment and as cheesy as it sounds, I found my people from the very start. I came into recruitment excited but also anxious. I spent hours trying to craft the perfect script, the perfect production, the perfect story. However, recruitment is not perfect – but recruitment WILL be yours. So take a deep breath, give yourself some grace, and have fun!

The question I have heard most during the final rounds of recruitment is “How did you know Delta Gamma was the one for you?” Simply put, the environment I was exposed to at DG was effortlessly welcoming. Not only did I feel welcomed, but I felt a sense of inspiration when I walked through those doors. The women I interacted with weren’t afraid to let their guard down, and in turn I felt the same. Little did I know that I would meet my biggest inspiration and current “big” during recruitment, who is also the person that made me want to be a DG in the first place. Not only did I want to be friends with these women – I wanted to be just like them.

As VP Membership, I am so honored to lead our DG chapter alongside some of the most dedicated, level-headed, and compassionate sisters of mine during recruitment. I have truly found my chosen family on 6509 Picasso Road, and it all began during recruitment. I am so dearly excited to meet all the potential new members and to make the recruitment process as special, inviting, and meaningful as it was for me. Take it all in and enjoy the madness of recruitment because I wish I could walk through the doors of DG for the first time all over again.

With love,

Jaden Chau
VP Membership