Letter from Recruitment Chair

To the women participating in recruitment,

My best advice is this: the best preparation for this process is none at all. There is no right or wrong way to go into it – everyone’s journey will be unique. This process is created to help you find your people, trust that! In my experience, I learned that the best thing you can do is go into it with an open mind. Delta Gamma has been the most important part of my experience at UCSB; I would not have found my people without being completely open to the process. You will find yourself feeling more at home in certain houses, and you will find yourself not feeling a connection with others. This is okay! Give yourself grace and always trust your gut.

During the last days of recruitment, the most commonly asked question is “How did you know that Delta Gamma was the one for you?” Simply put, I found myself not only wanting to be friends with these women, but aspiring to be like them. These women emulated such a warmth – they were kind, intelligent, and incredibly ambitious. It is easy to tell when somebody is passionate about something they love by their mannerism, and each DG I spoke with reflected just that. Looking back, these women have become my best friends and role models.

As VP Membership, I am honored to lead our chapter through recruitment along with some of our most ambitious, dedicated, and compassionate members. I have truly found my home at 6509 Picasso Road, and for this reason recruitment will always hold a special place in my heart. Enjoy the madness and chaos of recruitment because it will be over before you know it. This process works – believe that. I am so incredibly excited for each and every one of you to find your people, as I found mine 3 years ago at Delta Gamma.

With love,

Alex Dinofia

VP Membership